Telehealth App Investigation

Registration Deadline:

What Happened and What Information Was Involved:

Telehealth encompasses all online or mobile health providers. The number of telehealth providers exploded during the Covid-19 Pandemic, including popular providers like “Betterhelp”, “Favor”, “Dorsal”, “Monument Health”, and “Eleanor Health”.

Many of these companies collect and share users’ sensitive health information, like answers to health questionnaires, with third parties, including some of the largest advertising and social media companies in the world like Meta and TikTok. The disclosure of sensitive medical information to third parties without consent constitutes a violation of users’ privacy and violates several state and federal laws.

To learn more, or discuss the issues surrounding the investigation, please contact one of our attorneys using the form below, at (215) 399-4782, or via email at

If you suffered a loss on your investments or would like to inquire about joining an action to recover your loss under the federal securities laws, please complete the form below.

An attorney will contact you at no cost to provide you information about joining the action and answer your questions. Please note that submission of this form does not by itself form an attorney-client relationship nor does filing out this form mean you have joined any lawsuit.