Texas Anesthesiology Investigation

Registration Deadline:

If you received anesthesia as part of a medical procedure in Texas then you may have overpaid due to unlawful anticompetitive conduct.


On September 21, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) sued U.S. Anesthesia Partners (“USAP”) and its owner, New York-based private equity firm Welsh Carson, for engaging in a decade-long scheme to monopolize the market for anesthesiology services in Texas. According to the FTC, USAP executed a three-part scheme that involved acquiring competitors so that it could charge higher prices, entering into price-fixing agreements with smaller competitors, and paying other anesthesiology practices to stay out of the Texas market. As a result, Texas patients paid millions of dollars more than they should have for anesthesiology services.


If you paid any out of pocket cost for anesthesiology services in or around Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Tyler, or Amarillo at any time between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2023, please contact Roland St. Louis (rstlouis@lowey.com) for a FREE consultation to discuss your options.

If you suffered a loss on your investments or would like to inquire about joining an action to recover your loss under the federal securities laws, please complete the form below.

An attorney will contact you at no cost to provide you information about joining the action and answer your questions. Please note that submission of this form does not by itself form an attorney-client relationship nor does filing out this form mean you have joined any lawsuit.