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Since 1967, Lowey Dannenberg has represented investors and major corporations in complex litigation, recovering billions of dollars on their behalf.

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PayPal User Privacy Violations

Privacy Alert: Possible Unauthorized Collection of Sensitive Banking Data Lowey Dannenberg is currently litigating a privacy action against Yodlee, Inc., a...

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Solutions for Complex Cases


Lowey Dannenberg has secured some of the largest class action achievements in the history of the Commodity Exchange Act, recovering billions of dollars on behalf of investors harmed by price manipulation in multiple markets, including metals, rates, and soft commodities.


A pioneer in antitrust litigation, Lowey Dannenberg led the first successful challenge to anti-competitive “pay-for-delay” arrangements that allowed brand-name drug manufacturers to block more affordable generic drugs from entering the market.

Health Care

Lowey Dannenberg is the nation’s premier litigation firm for health benefit providers, representing the largest health benefit companies in the United States, including Aetna, CIGNA, Humana and Anthem (formerly known as WellPoint).


Representing sophisticated domestic and international institutional clients, private individual investors, and public pension funds, Lowey Dannenberg achieves results when investors lose at the hand of corporate fraud and malfeasance.


With extensive experience navigating the complex federal and state whistleblower laws, Lowey Dannenberg helps courageous whistleblowers reveal and report fraud, while guarding their anonymity and securing recovery for both the them and the taxpayers.


With decades of experience representing plaintiffs, Lowey Dannenberg applies the same trial expertise and case management discipline to class action defense, representing Fortune 100 companies, leading health insurers, small businesses, and individuals.

Lowey Dannenberg


Our team of client-focused attorneys features lawyers with concentrations in various areas, including commodities, antitrust, healthcare, financial, and consumer protection law.

Our Team

Our team of client-focused attorneys features lawyers with concentrations in various areas, including commodities, antitrust, healthcare, financial, and consumer protection law.
Professional Commendations

"We have been delighted with the excellent legal representation and prompt attention to our concerns which we have received from Lowey Dannenberg, a firm that quickly grasped our legal and business needs and expectations. Creative fee arrangements are welcome in a budget-conscious institutional environment. The bottom line is that Lowey Dannenberg consistently delivers superb results."

~  J. Edward Neugebauer

Deputy Chief Legal Officer and Head of Litigation, Aetna, Inc.

"The quality of representation is not questioned here, especially for those attorneys, principally from Lowey Dannenberg, who worked so hard to achieve this creative and, in my experience, unprecedented global settlement."

~  Hon. Colleen McMahon

United States District Judge, S.D.N.Y.

"The a beautiful example of what creative and intelligent and caring attorneys can do to resolve a problem."

~  Hon. Cynthia Rufe

United States District Judge, E.D. Pa.

"I note that at the end of Richard Cohen’s papers are his law firm’s resume and quotes the approval of various of my state and federal colleagues for the work of the Lowey Dannenberg Cohen & Hart firm. I will join in that chorus…claims in this case were complex, they required participation of highly skilled and specialized attorneys and all the firms involved worked with great effort to prosecute their claims and defenses efficiently and effectively."

~  Hon. Timothy S. Driscoll

N.Y. Supreme Court Justice, Nassau County

"I commend the plaintiffs for the work they did in this case and for having...diligently prosecuted it. [This case] would have been basically an orphan, or a case that no one would have brought had Richard Cohen not brought it. You produced what appears to be a substantial result for your clients."

~  Hon. Stephen P. Lamb

Vice Chancellor, Delaware Chancery Court, New Castle County

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